Inspiring, empowering and connecting communities
Through our social enterprise arm; Riverlution, we train volunteers, educate young people and support communities to maintain their rivers.

value delivered VIA Stewardship Partnership
volunteer hours Facilitated
full time apprentices since 2020
people completed the Stewardship Skills Programme

Through our social enterprise arm, we train volunteers, educate young people and give back to communities.

Driven by Community
River Stewardship Company is committed to future-proofing businesses and society by inspiring, educating and connecting local people to their local patch.
Employment opportunities
We provide opportunities for people to gain work experience, develop skills and build knowledge through the work that we do.
Community building
Volunteer days involve locals, encouraging them to look after their waterway, whilst positively effecting health and wellbeing.
Future-proofing society
We help others to look after their patch of waterway by offering advice, providing training and supporting community groups.
Empowering local communities
Bringing together people and their environment to promote biodiversity, sustainability and protecting local spaces.
Training and employability
Re-investing profits into Riverlution to deliver our social value projects, leaving a positive legacy wherever we work.
We facilitate days on the river for local businesses and people to help improve our local waterways and create a sense of place for river habitats - bringing together local communities along the way!
Passionate about helping people start careers in the environmental sector, we employ apprentices and provide access to the skills and training they need to make a great start on their career path.
The Stewardship Skills Scheme in partnership with local businesses, reaches out to people not currently in education, training or employment, helping them gain the skills and qualifications they need to start a career in environmental conservation.
Dedicated to facilitating environmental improvements in partnership with riparian business owners, we also offer training in environmental sustainability and other environmental topics to businesses and other interested parties.
Committed to being net zero by 2030 or before.

“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name Copy 3
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name Copy 2
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name Copy
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name Copy 3
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name Copy 2
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name Copy
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name Copy 3
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name Copy 2
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name Copy
Senior Role, ACME Company
“Iusto assumenda ducimus totam. Similique quas voluptatibus sit culpa nobis. Libero nemo est. Velit voluptatem doloremque animi aut at aut maxime et.”
Sample Name
Senior Role, ACME Company
working with local communities

See all
Minewater Attenuation and Treatment Scheme
November 1, 2023
The RSC have designed and built Minewater attenuation ponds within the Shire Brook Valley Nature Reserve on behalf of Sheffield City Council.
Minewater Attenuation and Treatment Scheme
Forging a sustainable future for our rivers with Gripple Ltd
October 1, 2023
Gripple Ltd lead the way for businesses supporting Riverlution's work on the rivers
Forging a sustainable future for our rivers with Gripple Ltd
Riverlution Sheffield Stewardship Partnership
September 21, 2023
Join the Movement, Join the Riverlution. The 'Sheffield Stewardship Partnership' scheme connects Sheffield businesses and communities with it's rivers.
Riverlution Sheffield Stewardship Partnership
Riverside Wellbeing Walks
September 1, 2023
Riverlution's seasonal programme of riverside wellbeing aim aiming to support positive mental health benefits simply by walking by water #behappybeblue
Riverside Wellbeing Walks

Supporting the river community - KINCA
August 27, 2023
Supporting the river community - Kelham Island and Neepsend Community Alliance
Supporting the river community - KINCA
River Witham Flood Plain Reconnection and in-channel environmental improvements
April 26, 2023
The RSC have recently completed an in-channel habitat restoration, creation and improvement project within and alongside the River Witham.
River Witham Flood Plain Reconnection and in-channel environmental improvements
Nature-based Erosion Protection
September 14, 2022
We are working in partnership with the EA to plan, design, install and maintain a natural based erosion protection scheme.
Nature-based Erosion Protection

Invasive Non-Native Species Management - Environment Agency
September 5, 2022
We are currently finishing Phase 1 of one of the largest catchment-scale invasive non-native species management projects in the country.
Invasive Non-Native Species Management - Environment Agency
River Stewardship Skills Scheme
August 31, 2022
The River Stewardship Skills Scheme is a flexible learning programme for those considering a career in river management or environmental conservation.
River Stewardship Skills Scheme
River Clean Up Day - Efficiency North
July 18, 2022
The Riverlution Team joined forces with Efficiency North for a river clean up day in support of their Sustainable Climate Action Strategy launch.
River Clean Up Day - Efficiency North
Greater Manchester Irwell Invasive Surveys
July 7, 2022
A full survey of the River Irwell catchment area for Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) as part of the Natural Course EU Life Integrated Project
Greater Manchester Irwell Invasive Surveys
Invasive Non-Native Species Survey Update - The Environment Agency
June 1, 2022
The RSC are carrying out a full treatment programme for Giant Hogweed, Japanese Knotweed and Floating Pennywort on all main rivers in Yorkshire
Invasive Non-Native Species Survey Update - The Environment Agency
Post flood event blockage removal - River Sheaf
March 1, 2022
The RSC are framework contractors for emergency conveyance issues in and around Yorkshire.
Post flood event blockage removal - River Sheaf

Lower Don Valley Tree Works - Sheffield City Council
December 8, 2021
As part of the Sheffield Lower Don Valley Flood Defence Project, we have carried out a phased, proactive programme of tree management.
Lower Don Valley Tree Works - Sheffield City Council

Sphagnum Moss Planting - Moors for the Future Partnership
December 1, 2021
River Stewardship Company has been delivering large sphagnum moss planting contracts for the Moors for the Future Partnership for the last 2 years.
Sphagnum Moss Planting - Moors for the Future Partnership

Lower Don Valley Flood Defence - Sheffield City Council
July 29, 2021
We are currently delivering the 5-year river channel maintenance element of the Lower Don Valley Flood Defence Project.
Lower Don Valley Flood Defence - Sheffield City Council
Revealing Rivers
September 18, 2019
By setting up a network of hidden cameras along the river, we can gain a snapshot of the species living along its banks.
Revealing Rivers
The Friends of the Blue Loop
The Friends of the Blue Loop are a voluntary group that help care for and maintain the beautiful waterways of the Don and Tinsley Canal.
The Friends of the Blue Loop

Maintenance & Volunteer Day Programme - Crystal Peaks
Since 2013, we have been delivering maintenance on the Ochre Dike through a programme of monthly volunteer days.
Maintenance & Volunteer Day Programme - Crystal Peaks

Shoal Redistribution - Don Catchment Rivers Trust
We redistributed river bed material at the bottom of a fish pass installed at Ball Street Weir, Sheffield.
Shoal Redistribution - Don Catchment Rivers Trust

Sand Martin Habitat Creation - Sheffield City Council
Sand martin barrels and nest boxes were created and installed on the bank of the River Don, Sheffield.
Sand Martin Habitat Creation - Sheffield City Council

River Restoration Project - Ebsford Environmental
Subcontracting to Ebsford Environmental, we delivered a programme of tree felling and stump grinding at Cannon Hall Museum Park and Gardens, Barnsley.
River Restoration Project - Ebsford Environmental

Woodland Thinning - Staffordshire Wildlife Trust
In March 2019, River Stewardship Company carried out vital thinning works across 3 woodlands as part of the SUNRISE Project for Staffordshire Wildlife Trust.
Woodland Thinning - Staffordshire Wildlife Trust

Tree Management - Network Rail
Preventing at-risk crack willow trees from falling into the river channel and causing blockages upstream of Leeds station.
Tree Management - Network Rail

Emergency Tree Work - Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme
After a period of strong winds, a number of trees had fallen into the River Aire in Kirkstall, Leeds, some causing an obstruction across the width of the river.
Emergency Tree Work - Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme

Invasive Non-Native Species Management - Yorkshire Water
We have carried out invasive non-native species management at a number of Yorkshire Water sites.
Invasive Non-Native Species Management - Yorkshire Water
Debris 'Wracking' Removal - Environment Agency
After high water events of each winter, we have been on hand to remove significant quantities of debris on the banks of all main rivers in Yorkshire.
Debris 'Wracking' Removal - Environment Agency

Maintenance Programme - Forgemasters, Sheffield
Riparian landowner Forgemasters contacted us in 2012 to ask for an ongoing maintenance package to help reduce flood risk at their riverside site in Sheffield.
Maintenance Programme - Forgemasters, Sheffield

Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme - Leeds City Council
Leeds activities include proactive and reactive tree management, invasive and non-native species management.
Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme - Leeds City Council
Vegetation Management Framework - Environment Agency
For the past 5 years the RSC has been one of 2 Government Gateway Lot 2c framework contractors, serving the Environment Agency in the Yorkshire region.
Vegetation Management Framework - Environment Agency
Passionate about your community?
Join us on our mission to create usable, liveable, enjoyable spaces by tending to our local waterways together.