Natural Flood Management
Taking a step back, we focus on upland preventative measures tackling the root of flooding before it’s too late.

Species Regeneration
Through Sphagnum Moss and tree planting, we create natural holders of water on highlands, reducing flooding.
Land Restoration
Our efforts in gully blocking and bare peat restoration encourage upland growth that retains water.
Pioneering Strategies
Working closely with local authorities, we’re researching the impact of beavers on flood management.
Powerful partnerships
In collaboration with The University of Manchester, we’ve been repopulating Sphagnum Moss in the Peak District to increase water retention in highlands and reduce flooding downstream.
Innovation in natural flood management
Our team is working closely on pioneering techniques using beavers. We’re the first in the UK to implement, monitor and evaluate such strategies which we hope to roll out across the country.

Upland Management Services
- Sphagnum Moss Planting
- Bare Peat Restoration
- Gully Blocking
- Tree Planting
- Flood Storage Ponds
- Leaky Dams
Why work with us
Good for the environment
Everything we do has biodiversity and sustainability its core for habitats, flood protection and places we can enjoy.
Good for people
Surplus from every project is reinvested into our volunteer programme, training the next generation of river stewards.
Good for businesses
Partnering with us means your organisation’s contribution to social and environmental improvements are covered.
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Lower Don Valley Flood Defence - Sheffield City Council
"The project delivers a nationally-significant model for sustainable river management investment."
July 29, 2021
"The project delivers a nationally-significant model for sustainable river management investment."