Forging a sustainable future for our rivers with Gripple Ltd
The history of Sheffield is intrinsically linked with the rivers that run from the Peak District moorlands and out into the wider Humber basin. The power that the rivers provide, fuelled the great Sheffield industrial revolution, but also caused much damage to the environment.
The climate emergency, announced by the Sheffield City Region in 2019, highlighted how the historic damage to the environment and rivers has had a direct impact on the business of the Lower Don Valley area. Litter and debris, dumped into the rivers over the years, increased the impact of the flooding here by blocking the river and causing the water to spill out of the river corridor into businesses, with devastating effect.
The River Stewardship Company (RSC) works with Riparian Businesses in this area on a ‘little and often’ programme of waterway maintenance and a positive recovery is now underway. Thanks to changes in industrial practice, life is returning to the rivers.
Supporting the River Stewardship Company and Riverlution to put in place an ambitious partnership working scheme on the rivers in Sheffield to tackle environmental issues, flooding, habitat improvement and issues of local significance is a key part of our objective - Tash Lyth, Sustainability Manager - Gripple Ltd.
As a riparian business, Gripple Ltd has been supporting the work of the RSC by engaging in Riverlution Corporate Volunteer Days, with staff learning about the river and removing litter and Himalayan Balsam from the local river close to their sites at Norfolk Bridge Works and Gripple UK - Riverside.
Working in partnership to deliver positive environmental and community outcomes, Gripple’s commitment to environmental sustainability saw them sponsor the first Riverlution River Stewardship Skills Scheme in Sheffield in 2022, supporting the next generation of River Stewards.
Gripple’s sponsorship of the scheme not only allows Riverlution to provide a diverse programme of practical work in river management, it further supports the trainees through career development and sustainability sessions.
In 2023, Gripple Ltd became the first business partner to sign up to Riverlution’s Sheffield Stewardship Partnership and help secure a continuous programme of work across all the rivers of Sheffield to improve our waterways for everyone.
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